Thursday, January 26

The Daffodils

I maybe kinda sorta forgot to take pictures of the daffs when they all bloomed >.< They've gone over now too so it's too late for pretty fully bloomed pictures. Thought I'd share the ones I got when they started to open up though!


  1. It is so wonderful that spring is almost here! When I saw the sheep in the fields last week, I just about started hyperventilating. I come from a busy college town in Massachusetts, so living in England, surrounded by sheep, is quite a change.

    I just started shouting at my husband, "Oh my gosh, the sheep are out! The sheep are out! It's almost Imbolc and there really are sheep out here right now!" LOL

  2. Hehehe, I love seeing the sheep about too. Wait until you see the lambs :p

  3. Wow they are beautiful, lovely quality too

  4. Not bad seeing as they were from Tesco! Didn't last long mind you :(

  5. Beautiful. I can smell them from here!
